

WTF: What the Fluff?!

Uniliverer’s I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter (ICBINB) was having a tough year. There was a spreading collection of internet videos that showed the unwholesome ways margarine was industrially produced, At the same, time most major brands were scrambling to redefine themselves as naturally made. ICBINB reacted to the growing consumer consensus by updating its ingredients list and look, but their long-time customers loyalty lay with ICBINB's original recipe and packaging. How could ICBINB keep the brand evangelists in its stable while also appealing to a new generation of health-conscious ICBINB users? Fluffier eggs.

ICBINB makes scrambled eggs really f’n fluffy. Our team ran with the concept and subtly dialed up the healthy vibe that softly emphasized the “no artificial ingredients” bit. Through monthly emails, collaborations with Dr. Oz, and a homepage redesign touting the benefits of the new ICBINB, we successfully rebranded the little yellow tub.